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Juergen Teller –Night at the Museum


Juergen Teller’s exhibition Paradis, with Charlotte Rampling and Raquel Zimmermann captured nude at the Louvre next to Mona Lisa are now on display at Johann König gallery in Berlin.

It was about two years ago.
Charlotte Ramplings telephone was ringing.
“Charlotte, it´s Juergen. I think it’s time to take your clothes off.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, we’ve got the Louvre to ourselves, and you’re going to be naked in front of the Mona Lisa.”
”I guess I have to do it then…”

Thomas Lenthal, creative director and publisher of Paradis, had arranged so Teller could use the famous Parisian museum as the backdrop for a story from 6 o’clock until midnight…
In august 2009 the images where published in Paradis issue no 5. Except from a nude Charlotte Rampling and Mona Lisa, they also feature some antique sculptures, the famous australian model Raquel Zimmermann and a slice of a Davids famous painting ”The Coronation of the Emperor Napoleon I and the Crowning of the Empress Joséphine in Notre-Dame Cathedral on December 2, 1804”.

Juergen Teller was born in 1964 in Erlangen, Germany. In 1986 he graduated at the Bayerische Staatslehranstalt für Photographie in Munich. On the same year he moved to London where he has been living and working ever since.
Tellers work has been published in most of the fashion press around the world, from i-D and The Face to Vogue and W. He also created some iconic campaigns for Marc Jacobs, YSL, Vivianne Westwood and Céline.
Magnus Naddermier

Juergen Teller, Paradis
January 15 – 29, 2011
Johann König
Dessauer Straße 6-7
10963 Berlin

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