Girl Friends is a project that is on going and started in the year 2000. It is the story of a man. This man is my husband. I set out to make images that would explore the unexpected aspects of a person inner most self. This series began as a casual set of experiments ” it was just a Sunday project ” However this fun set of experiments developed in to a more cohesive study. The project started with the idea of doing costuming and really got out of hand. There are about thirty characters in the group of images.
In my husbands line of work, he is surrounded by a world that embodies the traditional macho ethic. He runs a scrap recycling plant. When he is not working his hobby is driving a race car. This project took a man and showed the opposite side of his personality. Underneath the tough exterior is a vulnerable softness, a man with a little strange ideas and thoughts. This is not a comedy but an investigation into what is real and what is not.
This image is from Bill’s 75 birthday party last year images will continue each year of our life.