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Joseph Bellows Gallery : Jo Ann Callis : Cheap Thrills and Forbidden Pleasures


These images titled Cheap Thrills and Forbidden Pleasures are by Jo Ann Callis. They are on display at the Joseph Bellows Gallery until February 10, 2024.
The exhibition, titled Still Life, also features works by J. John Priola and Luke Stephenson.

Still Life presents the work of three contemporary photographers whose photographs explore both the anthropomorphic qualities of their subjects as well as the formal and color relationships of their chosen subject to its background.

Like many of Jo Ann Callis’ photographs, the luminous and sensual images that comprise her Cheap Thrills and Forbidden Pleasures series suggest the dramatic, erotic, and psychological undertones concealed within daily domestic life. Callis is regarded as a forerunner of the Fabricated Photographs movement, and in 2009 her work was honored by the J. Paul Getty Museum with a retrospective exhibition entitled, Woman Twirling. Her work has been exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art, NY; Los Angeles County Art Museum, Hammer Museum and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and is within numerous prominent public and private collections.   In 2018, Nazraeli Press published Cheap Thrills as part of their One Picture Book series.

Jo Ann Callis appears courtesy of ROSEGALLERY.


Still Life
Until February 10, 2024
Joseph Bellows Gallery
7661 Girard Avenue
La Jolla, CA 92037

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