It’s an unwritten love letter to all the people who have been kind enough to share some of the most important periods of their existence. “This is not a love song” is a series full of personal metaphors that may seem cryptic at first, but I don’t intend that people should understand it all in a purely cerebral fashion; rather, I want to get at the common sensations we all feel, the shared emotional core of experience, before we rationalize it and convert it into a private precinct. This is the thread I followed to get out of the inner darkness my soul inhabited after I had lost several of the most important beings within my entourage. It’s full of pain and joy.
In this series I’ve focused on the tiny details that fuel my life. I’m creating these images as stories based on memories of ephemeral moments of kindness, passion and pain by using body language as an instrument of expression. Although I’ve been using the body in most of my previous works, it’s the first time I myself got “naked” and got over my fear of losing control of the image. I’m trying to speak from my guts.
My aesthetic choices for this series rely on the fact that I wanted to get rid of all the merely polite sympathy contained in the expression, “I’m sorry about your loss,” which I’ve gotten tired of hearing. I’m using elements such as warm tones and harmonic compositions that add beauty to images, in order to seduce the observer to come closer to what they see and feel, instead of just walking by.
Jorge Luis Alvarez Pupo