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Joni Sternbach, beach shores, waves and surfers


This exhibition features 20 photographs by New York artist Joni Sternbach. Ocean Side brings together three select bodies of work, all made along the shoreline and captured on different media. Sternbach’s use of historic techniques (cyanotype, tintype and ambrotype) and equipment, including an 184o’s Petzval are part of her ongoing conversation with history. Sternbach’s most celebrated series, Surfland, is a collection of portraits of surfers taken on beaches around the world using the 19th century wet-plate collodion process, this is at the center of the exhibition. “Surf pictures are traditionally studies in motion – a figure in the spray of a cutback or under the curl of a jewel-toned barrel,” writes American journalist Diane Cardwell. “But Joni Sternbach, who has spent the last twelve years making large-format tintype photographs of surfers on beaches around the globe, is after something different: a kind of ethnographic study in stillness, silvery portraits of a tribe united by a sense of adventure, the love of a sport and a connection to the ocean.”


Joni Sternbach, Ocean Side
April 19 – May 26, 2018
Galerie Catherine et André Hug
40, rue de Seine / 2, rue de l’Échaudé
75006 Paris

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