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Jonathan Alpeyrie:–Les Coptes d’Egypte


Since the radicalization of Islam in the Arab world, Eastern Christians have been threatened by various Islamic extremist groups, like the Muslim Brotherhood and other factions affiliated with Al Qaeda. Pressure has been mounting since the start of the “Arab Spring” revolution in Tunisia in late 2010, when the extremists first began to show their true intentions towards the Christian minorities in Arab countries. Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Syria show how Islamists saw their opportunity and seized what power they could. Of course, each country has a different view on how Islam should be applied to society. Tunisia has adopted a more flexible version with the conservative-Islamist Ennahda party, whereas extremist movements in Egypt and Syria have been much more ferocious facing more Westernized opposition.

Jonathan Alpeyrie

Read the full article on the French version of Le Journal

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