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Jean-Sébastien Mocaer


I am Jean-Sébastien Mocaer, 37 years old, a being both rooted and in search of infinite horizons. My home is located along the Léguer, in Lannion, where the murmurs of the river unite with the symphony of nature. Professionally, I am a maintenance manager, ensuring the cohesion of the gears that support our modern world. But let me take you to the depths of my soul, where photography reveals its true essence.

In the depths of my being, the passion for photography draws its roots from the heritage of my father, a great art enthusiast. The memories of my childhood are imbued with his captivating stories about the masters of painting and the great figures of art history. So, in every click of my camera, I continue my father’s legacy by capturing magical moments and revealing the emotions that reside in the invisible. I am honored to carry this artistic flame within me, a flame that shines through every image I create and that continues to illuminate my passion for photography.

As an amateur photographer, I am an explorer of emotions, a privileged witness to the hidden thrills that populate our lives. Through the lens of my camera, I capture fragments of reality that transcend the limits of the present moment. Photography is an art of contemplation, a silent dance with the ephemeral, a mirror of the human soul.

Each image I create is a visual poem, a window open to the infinity of sensations. Emotions, like birds in flight, materialize in front of me. Joy bursts into bursts of light, sadness settles in the delicate shadows, and love is woven into the soft reflections of the glances exchanged. Every click of my camera is a dance with the elusive, a quest to capture the ineffable.

Photography transcends the barriers of time and space, allowing me to travel through memories and dreams. It reminds me that every moment is precious, every detail contains a story worth telling. The art of photography is an invitation to embrace the impermanence of life, to capture the fleeting emotions that inhabit us, and to preserve them in the frozen eternity of an image.

In the quest for beauty and authenticity, photography invites me to contemplate the world with a new perspective, to discover the magic hidden behind appearances. It reminds me that emotions are precious guides, inner compasses that show us the way to the deep truth of our being. By immortalizing these emotionally charged moments, I participate in a timeless dialogue between humanity and the universe.

As a maintenance manager and amateur photographer, I am driven by a common quest: that of revealing the beauty hidden in the details, of cultivating wonder in the face of the complexity of the world around us. It is in this duality that I find my balance, offering my rational expertise to the preservation of systems while letting my soul soar through photography, capturing the ephemeral essence of human emotions.

Jean-Sébastien Mocaer

Instagram: jeanseb.moc le reflet du cœur)


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