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Jean-Jacques Dicker, Nudes and More


I started taking photography courses in 1970 at the University of Hawaii. There was a photography lab there, and it is there I learned to make my black and white prints. I noticed that the other students really liked the nude photos that I made. At first, my wife Polona was my model. Then I quickly started to have her friends come, those eager to undress and pose for me. It was wonderful. Sometimes we took advantage of it and all made love.

More recently, last November, organized by Michèle and Michel Auer from the Auer Fondation de Gèneve, I simultaneously had three different exhibitions in three different spaces. The Auers are also responsible for the publication of my three photo books in Switzerland. A big thank you to Michèle and Michel Auer.

For me, photography, whether it be in Africa, in Europe, or in my home in Hawaii, gives me the possibility not only to make photos of beautiful women, but also to make love with them occasionally.


Jean-Jacques Dicker

Jean-Jacques Dicker is a Swiss-French-American photographer known for his documentary work in Africa and Southwest Asia.

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