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Jean-Christophe Hanché : Les Enfermés


Les Enfermés is a book that takes the reader to the other side of our society. In prison, in a psychiatric hospital, in a detention center … Based on the photographic observations of Jean-Christophe Hanché, photographer and controller of places of deprivation of liberty, the book is instructive, shocking and sincere on the often unworthy living conditions , reported from these inconspicuous places.

All of the images are regularly corroborated by terrible extracts from letters sent by prisoners to the CGLPL, and by reasoned extracts from visit reports or emergency recommendations issued by the CGLPL. This creates a “landscape of the gap” that the book reveals, the raw reality of the places where the prisoners live. Adeline Hazan, head of the CGLP, signs a committed preface, in the image of the courageous action which she carries out there.

“This book aims to be both a vector of information and a lever for improving the situation of persons deprived of their liberty. […] In the light of the images, observations and testimonies that he will find in this book, I invite the reader to ask whether the conditions of confinement that France has experienced over the last ten years are preparing in a relevant way a return of the “locked up” to freedom. »Adeline Hazan

“Accessing the places of confinement in this way, as long as necessary, without restriction of access, is a rare opportunity in my profession as a photographer. I kept repeating it to myself in order to give an account of what I saw as close as possible, as accurately as possible, without adding or subtracting from it. […] The sensitive immersion in most of my photographs is not due to my audacity or to a reckless commitment but only to all this time, invisible and patient, of meeting with the people who become the subjects of my images. If confinement is unfortunately the main means of punishment, it is nonetheless the most excluding. […] Photographing these people makes it possible to get them out of invisibility to the outside world, to turn their situation towards a salutary exterior, thus highlighting their fundamental rights. »Jean-Christophe Hanché


Jean-Christophe Hanché : Les Enfermés

Text: Adeline Hazan

Light Motiv editions

Graphic design: Studio Agnès Dahan with Nolwen Lauzane

Format 26 x 19 cm

208 pages on Condat Perigord paper 150 gr

Hardcover bound on Wibalin paper, with cuvette for inserted photograph

Square back, slice

Isbn 9791095118183 – Price: 36 €

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