Naples is a hectic, noisy city which we could assimilate to a Tower of Babel or another ant-hill where we shout, shouts out, rails and sometimes traîte of names of bird in neapolitan of course. We think of course of the narrow streets and the linen hanging on windows. It is the visual shortcut. Naples, it’s this city at the foot of the volcano, the mount Vesuvius, it’s also the South, the temperaments are blood, everything is theatrical : gestures, attitudes, we are completely in Comedia dell’ arte. It’s the pride of this napolitan people.
But when I discovered Naples, it is especially the colors which caught my attention: Colors shaded off by the veil of time, completely “aged” on the walls of the baroque palaces and of other deep and flashy.
Naples exercises on the visitor this sensation of a mixture attraction-aversion, it is the city which we feel deep inside yourself, which enters you; once you leave it, you just want to come back.