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Jack Boulton

Even among the brightest art-world luminaries. Jack Boulton‘s mixture of up-to-date information, boundless energy, and diplomatic charm was impressive. In the l970s he began curating shows at the Contemporary Arts Center in Cincinnati that featured the most topical and challenging new-generation artists. By the l980s. he was weIl known in all of New York’s most adventurous galleries and studios. His last position was as the head of Chase Manhattan Bank’s prestigious Art Program. which allowed him to join his rare combination of skills, functioning as successfully in the dignified company of bankers as he did in the bohemian milieu of SoHo. He secured for the bank’s collection a wide range of both traditional and cutting-edge art in all mediums. from photography to installation art and painting. His untimely death cut short a career that dazzled all who knew him.

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