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J Henry Fair : On The Edge : A Portrait of our Coastlines / Industrial Landscapes


J Henry Fair introduces his work as follow :

I read a lot of science.
It informs my art.
Perhaps it is a factor in my movement, in recent years, away from the abstraction of previous collections.
Two themes have evolved: a survey of coastal areas around the world, and portraits of the “Engines of the Anthropocene”, the giant machines that extract resources.

Both series will be on exhibit this summer .

The recent discovery of the impending collapse of the the Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica reminds us that sudden catastrophe has struck civilization too often in history, always unexpectedly and with world-changing impacts. Pompeii, Krakatoa, Covid, all changed civilizations overnight, some local, some global. Meanwhile, the list of catastrophic storms around the world and at home has become too long to compile.

Even without a sudden catastrophe, Climate change is increasing storm activity and ocean rise, which directly impacts littoral areas. Natural shoreline features such as beaches, sand dunes, marshes and mangroves act as buffers to weather systems, pliably absorbing the impact of storms and high tides and thus protecting the hinterlands.

Meanwhile, coastal cities are already building barriers and gates to protect from ocean rise, the most famous being the MOSE project in Venice. Inevitably their lifespan is limited, the cost astronomical, and the effort ultimately futile.

J Henry Fair


“On The Edge: A Portrait of our Coastlines”
Until June 28, 2023
conference at the finissage on June 28
Einstein Forum
Am Neuen Markt 7
14467 Potsdam, Germany


“Industrial Landscapes” will be exhibited at Artco Gallery in Aachen, Germany on 13 August as part of the Aachen Foto Festival
Artco Gallery
Seilgraben 31, 52062 Aachen, Germany


J Henry Fair

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