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Isabel Muñoz :–20 Platinum prints


The Galerie Seine 51 is presenting the works of Isabel Muṅoz, a Spanish photographer known across the world as a specialist in platinum printing process.
Like the narrator of a travel book, Munoz shares with readers, through her pictures, the tale of her encounters with people around the world.
In this work, the sincerity of the artist is revealed through the choice of framing and technique for each photograph, which marks a willingness to testify to all the dimensions of a single population or culture.
The exhibition at the Galerie Seine 51 features twenty works with a selection of platinum color prints, a new facet of Isabel Munoz’s photography.

Isabel Muñoz
Dans le cadre du Festival Photo Saint Germain des prés
Exposition du 8 novembre au 8 décembre 2012
Galerie Seine 51
51, rue de Seine
75006 Paris – France

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