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in camera galerie : Laurence Sackman by Jean Noël de Soye


I first heard of Laurence Sackman in 1980. I was then an assistant to several fashion photographers in the Clic-Clac Studio, rue Daguerre in the 14th arrondissement of Paris (today Daguerre Studio). This period was relatively brief in my career and I have a rather vague memory of it. However, the name of Laurence Sackman, so often pronounced in this place, still resonates. “Laurence Sackman is here today! » : the news spread like wild fire on the sets. Enthusiasm and curiosity accompanied each of his appearances. He had a sulphurous reputation. But the opportunity to work with him did not arise and he became a mysterious figure for the young man that I was then. I had just arrived in Paris, I was discovering the world of fashion. I quickly left this environment to travel, devoting myself to photographic reporting.

Forty years later, in 2019, Fabienne Martin, founder of the famous FAM modeling agency in 1977, visited the gallery. For two decades, this agency was at the center of the fashion nebula, driving many creative projects. Fabienne tells me incidentally about Laurence Sackman whom she takes care of with Apple, Laurence’s daughter. I let her know of my keen interest and my desire to see the prints. We see each other several times and decide to work together and show his work at the gallery.

Unfortunately, I never had the chance to meet Laurence Sackman, who passed away on January 17, 2020.

We exhibited Laurence Sackman at the gallery in June 2021, then at Paris Photo in November 2021. With my partner Hanane Hilmi, we share the ambition to promote the work of this great photographer.

Jean Noël de Soye, Director of the galerie in camera


Together with Apple Sackman, we would like to especially thank Fabienne Martin. Alain Le Kim for his text on Laurence Sackman (, Jean-Michel Vigier, artistic director and friend of Laurence Sackman ( Photographer Alice Tremblot de La Croix ( and apprentice photographer Martin Sauve for their help in digitizing prints by Laurence Sackman and Eric Gallais who created “fashionmagazinearchives” the Instagram page on which Apple found images of the Harlow and Mugler campaigns. ( and of course Jean-Jacques Naudet.


in camera galerie
21 rue Las Cases
75007 Paris
tuesday – saturday 2 – 7 p.m.T: +33 (0)1 47 05 51 77
[email protected]

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