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in camera galerie : Claudine Doury : Solstice


On the occasion of her second exhibition at the in camera gallery, Claudine Doury unveils her latest series Solstice, a personal narrative centered on the emblematic rituals of the peoples of the North and East. Solstice is also a book published by Origini Edizion.

It’s the longest day of the year. The day when the sun seems to stop. Light floods the earth and resonates on beings, life is reborn. Called Kupala among the Slavs, Kupalès among the Balts, the night of the solstice is a traditional celebration. It finds its roots in pagan festivals closely linked to the forces of nature and the worship of the sun. It is a time for the fertile earth and women carry out fertility rituals,  doing incantations around water and fire. Every June 21st, for 10 years I have traveled from St. Petersburg to Maloyaroslavets in Russia, to the island of Lake Ives in Belarus, to Kaunas, Vilnius and the Polish and Latvian countryside to witness the summer solstice and bear witness to this very special moment among the peoples of the North celebrating the return of light. Between documentary and fiction, Solstice is a personal and imaginary narrative based on ritual celebrations. I thus wish to account for the invisible forces that pass through places and people during sleepless nights.,about the communion of time and the cycles of the earth.

Claudine Doury


Claudine Doury : Solstice
from May 23 to July 27, 202
in camera galerie
21, rue Las Cases
75007 Paris
T: + 33 (0)1 47 05 51 77
Tuesday to Saturday from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.

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