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ilon Art Gallery : Annie Leibovitz & Layla Love : Summer of Love


ilon Art Gallery in Harlem presents till the Sept 14 : “Summer of Love” an exhibition, featuring the  works of Annie Leibovitz and Layla Love.
Here is the presentation of the gallery.

The “Summer of Love” exhibition joins ilon Gallery’s current exhibit, “Off the Grid,” curated by Loni Efron, and featuring the works of Anthony Haden Guest and Todd Monaghan. This captivating collection will highlight the artistic synergy between Layla Love’s evocative portraits of musicians and Annie Leibovitz’s legendary images of music icons.

Layla Love’s journey in the art world began with inspiration from Annie Leibovitz’s groundbreaking photography. After meeting Leibovitz in Brooklyn as a young artist, Layla was encouraged to pursue her passion for portraiture, a passion that has now come full circle in this collaborative exhibition. Layla’s work in this show explores themes of duality and connection, portraying musicians alongside their loved ones or in reflective moments.


Annie Leibovitz & Layla Love : Summer of Love
Until September 14, 2024
ilon Art Gallery
204 W 123rd St.
New York, NY 10027

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