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Howard Schatz : New York Clubs


Archives – January 2, 2017

I have taken photographs in many dance clubs in New York City over the last twenty years. On a given date, after scouting locations and arranging for a space in the club with the owners and party producers, we set up a temporary studio starting at about 11:00 p.m. Two or three assistants (usually women in their twenties) move around the club looking for people to photograph. They tell likely subjects that a professional photographer wants to include them in a book on clubs and will send them a picture from the shoot. These are a few of the thousands of images I have made. This project has been a fascinating study of human behavior, dress, relationships and other things.

Written by Howard Schatz

From the introduction to CLUBS chapter in SCHATZ IMAGES: 25 YEARS


Howard Schatz, Images: 25 years
Published by Glitterati

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