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Hans P. Kraus Jr. Inc. : Paris : City of Light & Shadow


Hans P. Kraus Jr. Inc. presents the exhibition Paris : City of Light & Shadow.

La Ville Lumière! Paris first earned the sobriquet, “City of Light,” as a center of learning during the Age of Enlightenment. In the early nineteenth century the advent of gas lighting brought the city’s streets and boulevards alive at night. Light, the very currency of photography, soon enabled Paris to become the first city to be fully documented by the new art, at street level and underground. Paris: City of Light & Shadow features works by Aguado, Atget, Durandelle, Hippolyte Fizeau, J. B. Greene, Marville, Nadar, W. H. Fox Talbot, and others.


Paris : City of Light & Shadow
May 8 – July 12, 2024
Hans P. Kraus Jr. Inc.
962 Park Ave.
New York, NY 10028

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