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Gwenola Barbot


Exquisite Natures

A chaotic life gave rise to my reflections on the deadly sins, and an irrepressible desire to give them substance, lending human vices to certain sea animals.
Over and above my Breton origins, the choice of marine animals to illustrate our hidden failings was dictated by an unexpected encounter at a fishmonger’s stall with a crab whose vice I found unbearable.
Lobster, red mullet, octopus, salmon and other sinful-looking creatures then fed my project.
Dark images imposed themselves on my lens. A form of sarcasm too, the inescapable fruit of a long experience of certain mundanities.
Look carefully! Each image hides a piece of my glass table, around which a number of guests have gathered or met over the years, a platform for some, a confessional for others; the former revealing the sins of their fellow human beings, the latter pouring out their own vicissitudes.
These “still lifes”, which we know to be very much alive, are perfectly mine, and perhaps a little yours too…

Instagram : @gwenolabphoto

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