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Gustavo Minas : Liquid Cities


With his project Liquid Cities, Gustavo Minas was one of the finalists of the Leica Oskar Barnack Award 2023.

Gustavo Minas was born in Cássia (MG, Brazil) in 1981. Since 2009, he has been photographing the daily life of the cities where he lives. He currently works as a journalist and freelance photographer in Brasilia. In 2017, his ‘Bus Station’ series won the Pictures of the Year LATAM award in the category “The Future of the Cities”. This project was exhibited at the Centro de Fotografía de Montevideo in 2018 and during the Venice Architecture Biennale 2021. His first book “Maximum Shadow, Minimal Light” was released in May 2019 by Edition Lammerhuber.

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