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Guillaume Perret : Amour


Who do you fall in love with?

Personal and intimate question but whose definition must be open enough to feel the heart of humanity beating.

Guillaume Perret’s background work explores love through those who feel stigmatized by the gaze of society.

Using a tender and poetic approach, the photographer shows that love has no age, gender, codes other than that of love, alive and vibrant and which deserves to be considered with respect.

Guillaume Perret shows intimacy without intrusion, a militant act, imbued with a benevolence that we want to believe universal.

It is this subjective beauty of love that inspired Guillaume Perret to desire to approach it as a cerebral process. The photographer places atypical couples before his lens, highlighting not the amorous desire for physical objectivity but that of free choice and the breath of life.

We live in a civilization that has given top priority to the intellect, that is, understanding the world through the brain and cognitive thinking. However, in our time, there are still things that cannot be understood in this way. And that’s when we have recourse to art, and to love.

This work attempts to connect these two elements which still escape the priority of rationalism – art and love – in order to exalt the inexpressible.

Guillaume Perret, 45, freelance photographer living in Cormondrèche (Switzerland).

Born in 1973, he worked as a mason, then went back to school and became a teacher. For 10 years, he will teach general culture to apprentices in a professional building trades center. At the same time as these years of teaching, he began to practice commissioned photography (reportage and portrait)

In his work, he seeks to capture the fragile beauty of human existence, allowing him to access a form of intimacy often revealing the challenges of our society.

He is co-author of a book which presents the 50 best Swiss winegrowers whose portraits he has taken.

He is a founding member of the agency Lundi13 //

It was awarded Swiss Photographer of the year in 2018 by the jury of the Swiss Press Award, obtaining 1st prize in the “portrait” category

In 2018 and 2019, his work on Extraordinary Love was the subject of 5 exhibitions, including that from September to December 2019 at the Théâtre du Passage in Neuchâtel.

The book “Amour” was released in November 2019.


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