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Griffin Museum of Photography : In the Room Where it Happened


The Griffin Museum of Photography presents In the Room Where it Happened: A Survey of Presidential Photographers, on view through March 31, 2024. The exhibition showcases the works of White House photographers from the last six decades, providing an insightful look into both the history of the U.S. presidency and the responsibilities of photographing it.

The exhibition features work by the Chief Official White House Photographers since the Kennedy Administration up through the Biden Administration.

With photographs from Chief Official White House photographers Shealah Craighead, Eric Draper, Michael Evans, Sharon Farmer, David Hume Kennerly, Bob McNeely, Yoichi Okamoto, Adam Schultz, Pete Souza, and David Valdez, as well as staff photographer Joyce Boghosian, In the Room Where it Happened attempts to unravel the complexities of the U.S. presidency through the lens of these  photographers.

“In working with each of these photographers’ personal archives, we hope to provide a 60-year survey of the personal and unseen moments the Presidency holds, and the weight of the office upon the holder” says Crista Dix, Executive Director of the Griffin and Curator of the exhibition.

This election year, we look at the decades of the peaceful transition of power through the eyes of the photographers who have shaped our perception of the leaders’ public and private lives.

Through their record of history, this elite group of photographers has deeply impacted public perception of the last 60 years of American history.


In the Room Where it Happened: A Survey of Presidential Photographers
Until March 31, 2024
Griffin Museum of Photography
67 Shore Road
Winchester, MA 01890

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