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Grégoire Huret



Year after year, season after season, whether it’s ready-to-wear or haute couture, Paris Fashion Week continues to reinvent itself. With the rhythm of the runway shows, Paris then becomes the epicenter of fashion, welcoming a wave of fashionistas, celebrities, style enthusiasts, and fashion lovers who stroll through the streets, hotels, showrooms, and public gardens, mingling with often astonished passersby.
Photographing Parisian life for over a decade, I was immediately drawn to this event, which serves as both a strong temporal landmark and a fantastic platform for creative expression, thanks to the richness of its participants. It has now been 5 years since I’ve been documenting Paris Fashion Week, always true to my “street” style, emphasizing closeness, the moment, and attitude.
Captured on black and white analog films that I develop myself, I have created a series of large prints measuring 42x62cm, featuring a mix of portraits and street photos that I wish to share with you.

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