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Giorgio Gerardi



I have always liked the history of Art and around the age of twenty I started my own personal research with the use of the camera. In this last period I have been interested in clouds, leaves and trees, earth, sand, objects and things that we have under our sight every day.

I rework a single photograph several times, always in a different way, until I get the shapes and colors that I like.

The images I present are taken from some series belonging to the “Clouds” project, on which I have been working for three years; clouds are a subject that has always fascinated me; they are something that changes constantly, to remind us of the continuous becoming of reality. They are something that has no shape of its own, but changes moment by moment, in ways that are always different and unrepeatable. They are light, elusive. They cannot be grasped, they cannot be touched, they remain something indefinite, almost unclassifiable.

Each series is made up of several images taken from a single photograph, which I rework with digital graphics programs. After having enlarged it, I go into the details, to highlight details that would otherwise be lost in the totality of the image.

They are color and black and white images. I also like to highlight the pixels of the image, to get the effect of the grain of the old photographic film.
Giorgio Gerardi
[email protected]



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