I used my camera on the edge of the pool, freely, without any embarrassment or authorization. Nobody cared. The young women rolled their one-pieces swimsuits down to their hips, or took off the top of their bikini, attentive to the marks of their tan. They swam bare breasted. The boys were asked to spread sun cream down the backs of the young ladies, they did that obediently, subjugated by the scents of vanilla monoi “pure Tahiti”. Water was just a game to cool off, nobody was really swimming. We drank, ate, smoked, flirted … photographed.
It was the time of the pleasure pools.
All these freedoms have been diluted by regulations, prohibitions, image rights … my black and white photos from the 80s to the 2000s are the testimony of a bygone era.
Pictures can no longer be made on the grounds of a pool open to the public….
Counterpoint to a bygone era, Pola Pool is a nod to the 80s.
Polaroid SX70, private pool, authorizations, friends and models, here are my new ingredients to continue playing in the water.
Since 2014, I again picked up my life belt and the way to the pools.
The image is squared Pola, faded colors, framed to the millimeter and close up look, intense and sensual.
The spirit of pool parties comes ringing at my door, and comes to make of bodies and water, a party!
Exposition Pola Pool – Gil Rigoulet
from October 17 to November 10, 2019
Artazart Bookshop, 83 quai de Valmy 75010
As part of the Rencontres Photographiques du 10ème.
Tirages des éditions “Le tour du cadran”.
Lecture by Gil Rigoulet “La photographie Instantanée”
Saturday, November 9, 2019 at 17:30
Point Ephémère, 200 quai de Valmy 75010 Paris.
As part of the Rencontres Photographiques du 10ème.