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Giancarlo Ferro


In a wheat Field

While tidying up my wardrobe, I came across an old 24×36 film from the same period. It was still in good condition, so I thought I would recover it digitally.

It catapulted me back to the 1970s, when I lived with my family in the wonderful country of Morocco and was taking my first steps in photography at the age of about 20.
I remember, looking at these photos, that I had left my city (Casablanca) to discover the countryside, and a Moroccan friend had invited me and some friends to visit his home village.

His house was at the end of a small village, after a wheat field. There was no road to get there by car, so they mowed part of the wheat field for the occasion to allow us to reach the house by car.

The welcome was wonderful, we were simply part of the family. The village specialist had prepared an earth oven and cooked there for hours a mechoui that I still consider to be the best mechoui I have ever had the chance to taste.

Giancarlo Ferro

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