Mandy Barker loves the sea. When she was small she was fond of wandering along the seashore, collecting natural objects that turned up on her path. But she gradually realized that the number of manmade-objects was getting bigger and bigger, and the day the corpse of an albatross chick appeared with its belly stuffed with cigarette lighters and plastic bottle tops, Mandy decided she had to do something. The artist kept on collecting plastics for years, firstly along the Atlantic Ocean and then on beaches all over the world, the aim being to photograph them and carry out an awareness campaign. The pictures show these plastics grouped together according to types and tones reflecting the vast quantity of objects found and heightening their dramatic effect photographed against black backgrounds that enhance the strength of the colours. The result of this approach is an inevitable beauty that initially acts as a lure, but eventually stimulates an emotional response through the expression of a heartfelt desire for collective awareness.
August 30 to October 1, 2017
In the streets of Getxo