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Getxophoto 2023 : Pause!


Getxophoto International Image Festival is open until June 25 in Getxo, Basque Country Spain. This year’s edition will revolve around the idea of Pause!

This edition wants to be a place where we can say: enough, stop, PAUSE! A place where we can stop to reflect on this fast-paced world and demand the right to slow down, to reduce, to say I can’t or I don’t want to.

María Ptqk, culture researcher and independent curator, is the artistic director of this edition. Once more, the Festival will feature the presence of prestigious artists who will share their work in the streets of the city. Among others, the projects of Mattia Balsamini, Susana Blasco, Maider Jiménez, Stephen Gill, Mitsutoshi Hanaga or Hannah Collins will be exhibited.

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