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Gary Calderwood


Color for Color.

No psycho-babble title, the subject is the color.
I am a Rochester Institute of Technology BFA graduate and was fortunate to have studied with Minor White and Ansel Adams.

Pete Turner was a big early influence with his great use of color and sense of design. I was always interested in color photography, but was frustrated with the printed results.  Digital photography made it possible to get results that match expectations. Before, unless you could afford dye transfer prints, the end result was invariably disappointing. I made a living as a photographer for more than 15 years, with a focus on location work, and I’ve also been a long time collector of photography.
I now have Calderwood Gallery, specializing in French Art Deco furniture and objects by the major designers as well as vintage and contemporary photography.
I see photographs everywhere.

Gary Calderwood

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