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Galerie Templon : Gregory Crewdson : Eveningside


Gregory Crewdson unveils at the Galerie Templon in Paris Eveningside, his latest black and white series, produced between 2020 and 2022. The final part of a trilogy developed since 2012, this set of twenty panoramic photographs is striking with its disturbing sharpness and twilight ambiances. A pioneer of “staged photography”, Gregory Crewdson has been developing a unique photographic language for thirty years, where each shot is the result of long upstream production work, with story board, actors, set construction, technical set, special effects and sophisticated lighting system. With the exhibition Eveningside, shown this summer as part of a retrospective at the Rencontres de la Photographie in Arles, Gregory Crewdson pushes the boundary between reality and fiction even further. He invents ambiguous suburban landscapes, where the immobility of the characters, frozen in their most banal daily activities, is both fascinating and disturbing. A fictional portrait of a middle-aged America, these scenes portray solitary figures, often captured through the complex play of mirrors, store fronts, or places of passage: bridges, porches, supermarkets or hardware stores. Playing with virtuosity with a set of special effects – fog, smoke, spotlights, rain – his black and white palette creates atmospheres that are both dark and gothic, evoking classic cinema, film noir or th realistic painting of an Edward Hopper.


Gregory Crewdson : Eveningside
Until December 23, 2023
Galerie Templon
28 rue du Grenier-Saint-Lazare
75003 Paris

Hours of operation
Tuesday-Saturday: 10 a.m.-7 p.m.

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