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Galerie Sarto : Véronique Fel : Originally


Until December 22, Galerie Sarto presents the images of Véronique Fel with the exhibition À l’origine.
The director of the gallery, Elisa Baylac, presents it nicely this way:

I entered the Sarto Gallery on June 1, 2023 to take up my duties as new director. The next day, I met Véronique Fel, the first artist from the gallery I spoke to and the only photographer, whose Havana women adorned the windows of the space at 89 rue de Lille. This gentle, warm woman with her infectious optimism was able to touch me immediately. We talked about her work, her photographs, her approach as an artist. I learned to understand her vision, and to appropriate the story of her colorful and historically charged shots. Barely four days later, on June 6, I made my first sale at the gallery. A long lilac-colored convertible was leaving for the United States. An American client on vacation, passing the gallery in a taxi one evening, was struck by its beauty. She had not had the opportunity to stop, did not know the street and thought she would never see it again. It was only a few days later, while walking with her husband, that she had the chance to pass on the opposite sidewalk and turn her head at the right moment. Her words: “it was meant to be”. This twist of fate allowed her to find, by chance, the work which had caused her this aesthetic shock and had engraved itself in her memory. This sale is the story of a flash. The flash of a vision through the window of a Parisian taxi, the flash of a meeting between the artist and her gallery owner, the flash of a sale which marked the beginning of our collaboration.

Elisa Baylac


Véronique Fel : À l’origine
Until December 22, 2023
Galerie Sarto
89 rue de Lille
75007 Paris

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