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Galerie Sandra Blum : Tina Merandon: Leap and Dream


The Galerie Sandra Blum presents the exhibition Bondir et Rêver (Leap and Dream) by Tina Merandon.

Leaping is the energetic act of jumping, rising upward with enthusiasm, it is a reaction to danger or a joyful act while dreaming relates to the mental activity of sleep, it can be frightening, fantastical, or correspond to the deep aspirations and desires that we have in an awakened state.

This exhibition is structured around two series of photographs of children taken in the liveliness of their interaction: ANIMA and THE LITTLE DANCERS.

The series dedicated to children and animals shows us the liveliness inherent in childhood, a carnal brilliance, overflowing with energy but also unprecedented moments of grace where the body of the child and that of his animal seem to blend together to better face life. It is the invention of a new hybrid and magical being: the child-animal.

The little dancers, barefoot, rush furiously and improvise their own space in a reinvented world. A tendency towards abstraction by registering these bodies and their unbridled gestures against tangy colored backgrounds.


Tina Merandon : Bondir et Rêver
September 29 – November 17, 2023
Opening reception Friday September 29 from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Galerie Sandra Blum
6 rue des Charpentiers
FR-67000 Strasbourg

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