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Galerie Robert Klein : Stephen Wilkes : Gathering Time


Robert Klein Gallery presents the solo exhibition Gathering Time by photographer Stephen Wilkes, featuring photographs from his acclaimed Day to Night™ series.

Wilkes’ Day to Night™ series captures the passage of time combining up to 100 photographs within a single composition. Patiently composed from dawn to dusk, often over a full 24-hour period, the result is a stunning merging of moments throughout day and night into a single scene.

The Gathering Time exhibition highlights Wilkes’ latest works alongside earlier favorites. Utilizing the power of computing and an awareness of the allure of iconic locations around the globe, Wilkes presents us with a diversity of images from a watering hole in the Serengeti to the bright lights of Times Square. Light is his palette and his eye for extraordinary color invites viewers to see familiar scenes anew. Each photograph tells a compelling story as daylight shifts into night, transforming ordinary moments into extraordinary narratives.

About the Artist: Stephen Wilkes is an internationally acclaimed photographer known for his innovative storytelling through photography. His work has graced the covers of leading publications like National Geographic, Time Magazine, Vanity Fair, and The New York Times Magazine. Wilkes’ “Day to Night™” series has garnered critical acclaim and global exhibitions. Stephen’s work is collected by numerous public and private collections including George Eastman House, Houston Museum of Fine Art, Jewish Museum, Library of Congress, and the Museum of the City of New York among others. Watch Stephen Wilkes TED talk.


Stephen Wilkes : Gathering Time
Until November 4th, 2023
Robert Klein Gallery
38 Newbury Street
Boston, MA 02116
(617) 267-7997

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