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Galerie Regard Sud/Lyon : Mabeye Deme : Golf Sud


The Galerie Regard Sud/Lyon presents the Golf Sud exhibition by Mabeye Deme. Sarah Mekdjian writes:

We do not know, at first glance, to which time period the images of Mabeye Deme belong. Are they old photos worn by time? Are they contemporary images? For some, we also doubt the photographic medium: are they photos or paintings or even engravings?

His images are intriguing because of their texture. We can sense a filter between the camera and the spectacle of the street, of which we cannot say whether it is temporal – the wear and tear of time – or whether the filter is a material artifice, but which one?

The filter, whatever it may be, does not prevent us from being in touch with what is photographed, in other words the street and its passers-by emerge, they are not hidden…

The filter does not seek to hide or hide itself, rather it establishes a modesty which guarantees the intimacy of the relationship established with the street. Intimacy here is synonymous with tact: a way of entering into a relationship without imposing oneself.

Sarah Mekdjian


Mabeye Deme : Golf Sud
from February 1 to April 6, 2024
opening February 1 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Galerie Regard Sud/Lyon
1/3 Rue des Pierres Plantées
69001 Lyon, France

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