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Galerie Polka : Sebastião Salgado : Magnum Opus


Galerie Polka presents “Magnum Opus”, an exhibition by Sebastião Salgado. “Magnum Opus” is an original proposal of Sebastião Salgado: fifty images printed in platinum-palladium in the laboratory of Georges Charlier in Belgium, for the first time in a limited edition of seven copies. These fifty prints come from a selection specially made by the photographer and his wife Lélia Salgado, which includes the most recent series, “Amazonia” and “Genesis”, but also works from previous works such as “Other Americas”. , “Sahel”, “Kuwait” and the “Hand of Man”. The Polka gallery will exhibit a selection of 9 platinum-palladium prints from this hitherto unseen proposal.


Nick Brandt: The Day May Break: Chapter 2
Until March 4, 2023
Galerie Polka
Cour de Venise
12 Rue Saint-Gilles
75003 Paris, France

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