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Galerie Photo Discovery – The Place : Martial Lorcet : Ambiguities of the doll


Bruno Tartarin presents an exhibition by Martial Lorcet in his new Parisian gallery. It is accompanied by this text.

These works show hybrid beings, young girls at the same time carnal women and artifices, placed in environments made mysterious by photographic play. They allow us to become familiar with the questioning of plasticity and the erotic charge of female bodies which is at the heart of Martial Lorcet’s work.

The photographer continued his questioning of plasticity and the erotic charge of female bodies, by featuring these dolls with an artificial aesthetic in the foreground of landscapes or in front of the naked bodies of very real young women.

Nowadays, a large part of photographic images as well as bodies are retouched or reworked to correspond to new aesthetic canons, guided by an imperative of hyper-sexualization of forms. In his approach, Martial Lorcet opposes any digital retouching, any manipulation, in his Polaroids, an instant work that prohibits any editing, as in his classic prints. He directly confronts plastic bodies and natural bodies. It forces the viewer, through the small size of the prints, to approach the photo-object. The gaze then becomes indiscreet, the eye is seduced by this strange Lilliputian world, in which the body of manga dolls and the body of a young woman are engaged, a world which illustrates the tenuous border between natural and virtual bodies.


Martial Lorcet : Ambigüités de la poupée
From June 12 to July 3, 2024
Discovery Photo Gallery – The Place
4, Vivienne gallery
75002 Paris

open Tuesday to Saturday from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m.

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