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Galerie Persoon : Frank van Driel : ‘in my mind’s eye’


Until December 10, the Dutch gallery Persoon is showing the latest works of Frank van Driel. The gallery presents him like this:

Van Driel was born in 1966 in the Netherlands where he still lives and works. His studio is situated in a monumental building; the former parsonage of a Catholic Church. The nostalgic atmosphere in this place forms the perfect decor for van Driels work. He creates portraits and nudes but is specifically well known for his serene still lifes. Van Driel always looks for the boundaries of what a still life actually is or can be. A saucer placed on the edge of a table implies the threat of it falling down. A long trail of smoke from a dying candle or a naked woman meticulously reflected in an antique bottle; the strong but subtle field of tension between movement and silence is always present, waiting to reveal more than meets the eye. Although the subjects in his still lifes seem ordinary, they are full of symbolism and for those who know Frank better it is very obvious that these are intimate works. Every object in his photo’s, every partridge, oyster, tulip or hare was chosen, hunted, harvested or handpicked by Frank and carefully placed in a specific composition to reveal more than meets the eye.


Frank van Driel : ‘in my mind’s eye’
October 21st – December 10th 2023
Galerie Persoon
Hees 4,
5521 NV Eersel, Netherlands
0497 535253

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