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Galerie Parallax : Alfons Alt : Love of the antique


The Galerie Parallax in Aix en Provence is showing an exhibition entitled “Amour de l’antique” by Alfons Alt. It is presented as follow:

The works of Alfons Alt take us into two identified coexisting expressions: photography, and what would be in the order of painting.

Once the shot has been taken, and its transfer treatment on the canvas carried out, Alfons Alt will apply pigment juices with a brush to the places he judges aesthetically appropriate.

Photography then departs from its primary structure to engage its realistic signifiers in a gestural and abstract pictorial adventure, which will bring about a meeting of the two actors of the work to make it the singularity of its uniqueness.

Thus, these apparently distant fields of expression constitute a visual constriction which underlines the question of the in-between; both in what separates and what unites.

The anticipated dichotomy, or the possible or occasional rupture, becomes the actor in the unification of the two entities which become one: the Altotype.


Alfons Alt : Amour de l’antique
Until June 22, 2024
Galerie Parallax- créations photographiques
3 rue des Epinaux
13100 Aix en Provence
tel: 0981719785
[email protected]

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