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Galerie Orel Art –Russian portrait


Mois de la Photo OFF
The last fifteen years in « Russia » (soviet and post soviet) give us an occasion to follow the spectacular evolution of the phenomenon of oneself and other’s representation.
A photographic portrait is often a pose, a posture, an ideal image. From the photographer, from the mode, and from the depicted period. With: Nicolai Bakharev, Valery Schekoldin, Lialya Kuznetszova, Sergei Tchilikov, Oleg Kulik, Igor Mukhin, Sergey Leontiev, Igor Savchenko, Arsen Savadov, Sergey Maximishin, Olga Kisseleva, Evgeny Mokhorev, Vlad Mamyshev-Monroe, Valery Nistratov & Jason Eskenazi, Alla Esipovitch, Oleg Dou, Dasha Yastrebova, Irina Popova, Margo Ovcharenko, Tanya Leshkina.

12-29 november 2010
Galerie Orel Art
40, rue Quincampoix, 75004 Paris

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