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Galerie La Vina : Séverine Deluc : A Nu


The exhibition “A Nu” (bare) by Séverine Deluc is on display until December 23 at the Galerie La Vina in Grenoble.
It is accompanied by a text written by Claire Lesage.

Even when she was little, Séverine Deluc loved bathrooms. She drew people there with foam, wrote poems on the mirrors, sang with the echo made by the bathtub. Unable to spend all her time there, she escaped to study photography and cinema, her two other passions. She became an assistant director, between Jeunet and Caro and the programs of Canal+, Groland, Les Guignols, etc.

Everything was fine but she missed bathrooms and her unfinished passion for photography, framing, the space, the moment, too. A lover of housing and buildings, she wandered from city to city in search of unusual places, which she never stopped photographing, without forgetting her attachment to bathrooms. She collected them and made them her own throughout her travels. So, it was only natural that she gradually became an assistant director specializing in location scouting for renowned filmmakers. An unlimited field of bathrooms then opened up to her.

It is at the crossroads of these paths, from baths to baths, that we can discover “A Nu”.

Claire Lesage


Séverine Deluc : A Nu
until December 23, 2023
Galerie-café La Vina
12 place Notre-Dame
38000 Grenoble

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