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Galerie La Forest Divonne : Elsa & Johanna : The Timeless Story Of Moormerland


Galerie La Forest Divonne presents in Paris the series of photographs by Elsa & Johanna, “The Timeless Story Of Moormerland”. For this new exhibition, the artists will take over the gallery with an immersive installation, which will immerse the viewers in the world of Moormerland and create a connection with the characters that were photographed. This will be the opportunity for the public to discover this series in the gallery after the major retrospective that the Städtische Galerie in Karlsruhe dedicated to them in 2021 and the success of their solo exhibition at the Studio de la MEP last year. Produced in Germany in May 2021, in a context still constrained by the health situation, Elsa&Johanna designed the series “The Timeless Story of Moormerland” as a family album, mixing indoor portraits, spontaneous photographs, landscapes or still life pictures which give birth to multiple visual stories. The two artists traveled to about twenty different regions in Germany for four weeks. Moormerland is a small German town near the Dutch border that particularly captivated them.

These images of waiting areas  and solitude in a setting that seems without character, nevertheless stimulate our imagination and trigger our emotions at first glance. This time, the duo of photographers used film and natural light, which offered a striking and very saturated colorful rendering. The unexpected points of view and the finesse of the color tone are reminiscent of the work of William Eggleston, a photographer who greatly inspired the young artists.


Elsa & Johanna : “The Timeless Story Of Moormerland”
from October 19 to December 2, 2023
Galerie La Forest Divonne
12 Rue des Beaux Arts
75006 Paris, France

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