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Galerie INEX : Aurore Vinot : Girls of Götheborg


Until December 30, the Moroccan gallery INEX presents Aurore Vinot’s exhibition entitled Girls of Götheborg. The photographer added these few words:

Photographer and documentary filmmaker, I embarked as a sailor and reporter aboard the Gotheborg, the largest wooden sailboat in the world, a replica of an 18th century ship of the Swedish East India Company. From Sète to Gibraltar, my photographic series “Girls of Gotheborg” retraces this crossing and the incredible tenacity of the women sailors on board, tightrope walkers on the sea with eclectic backgrounds.

I selected a few stories; some women in the crew shared my watch and yet we had little opportunity to chat. The pace was intense, the physical endurance impressive and they deployed all their efforts to move this majestic ship forward, this immense sailboat for which this was undoubtedly the last voyage.

Aurore Vinot


Aurore Vinot: Girls of Götheborg
Until December 30, 2023
INEX GALLERY by Chaoui Bois
Lot 12 Q.I. SBIHI Route de Kenitra-Salé

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