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Galerie Goutal : Ole Marius Joergensen : Vignettes of a Salesman… last of his kind


The Galerie Goutal in Aix en Provence presents the latest exhibition by Ole Marius Joergensen, entitled Vignettes of a Salesman… last of his kind until November 22, 2023. It is accompanied by this text:

A figure from the past, the door-to-door salesman is the centerpiece of the series Vignettes of a Salesman by Ole Marius Joergensen. A film buff, Ole uses intense cinematic lighting to tell the story of the wandering salesman, apparently the last of his kind, who moves through Norwegian landscapes and empty spaces. Ole Marius stages his breathtaking sets as an ode to the Scandinavia of the 1950s, imbued with nostalgia and a mystery surrounding the faceless salesman.


Vignettes of a Salesman follows a lonely character who no longer seems to have a place in the world as salespeople are replaced by technology. Stuck in modern times, he is unable to adapt and, instead, wanders the countryside and jumps from hotel room to hotel room.

Never revealing his face to the viewer, we never really get to know the mysterious man. With this series, Ole references his love for the past – the “simpler times” of the 50s and 60s, long before the digital age and all its repercussions on society.


Ole Marius Joergensen, Vignettes of a salesman… last of his kind
until – November 22, 2023
Galerie Goutal
3ter rue Fernand Dol
13100 Aix-en-Provence

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