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Galerie de l’Est : VAM / Jean-Pierre Gilson: The moon has nothing to fear from wolves


The forest has no memory. Whoever enters it can forget himself.
We will know nothing about the presence of this woman in the woods. An escapade or an escape… A before… An after…
All that matters is the power of the place, the fusion of the body and the plant.

Galerie de l’Est presents the project “La lune n’a rien à craindre des loups” which brought together two Compiégnois artists, the visual artist VAM and the photographer Jean-Pierre Gilson.

“The Moon Has Nothing to Fear from Wolves” is much more than a simple photographic series of naked bodies in the forest. It is a profound exploration of the relationship between man and nature, a dialogue between fragility and strength, between nudity and raw beauty.

Going against the errors of the Anthropocene, this project plunges into a sovereign forest, where humans and nature reinvent their bond.

It’s a patient journey, far from the city, from confinements, from fears, from uncertainties. It is a naked body which lends its porcelain fragility to the elements, which relies on the wind, the earth, the water of the rivers, the century-old trees. A body that blends into an all-powerful setting to draw new strength from it.

Nothing is more alive than this free and confident dissolution in a nature without judgment.

Through this series, VAM and Jean-Pierre Gilson question our relationship to our natural environment as well as our own body, pushing us to think about our place in the ecosystem and the need to reconnect with our most essential purest essence, one freed from the artifices and constraints imposed by society. They remind us that nature is our cradle, our source of inspiration and our refuge, and that our body is a sacred temple to be cherished and respected.

With the forest as a link, the visual artist VAM and the photographer Jean-Pierre Gilson confront their worlds. She works on the body, the archetypes of the feminine and their legends. He highlights the secret poetry of landscapes. The series “The moon has nothing to fear from wolves” is the result of these three years of collaboration.


VAM / Jean-Pierre Gilson : La lune n’a rien à craindre des loups
September 9 – October 15, 2023
Galerie de l’Est
2 Promenade Saint-Pierre des Minimes
60200 Compiègne, France

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