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Galerie de la Sainte Chapelle : Laetitia Lesaffre : Kintsugi, reflections of women : Repair. Rebuild. Reinvent.


Until March 28, Laetitia Lesaffre exhibits at the Galerie de la Sainte Chapelle at the Court of Appeal in Paris. Her exhibition is titled: Kintsugi. She presents it like this:

Kintsugi, reflections of women: Repair. Rebuild. Reinvent. The Kintsugi comes from the Japanese Kin (gold) and Tsugi (joint), and therefore literally means: gold joint. This ancestral technique, discovered in the 15th century in Japan, consists of repairing broken ceramics with lacquer, and highlighting the scars with real gold powder. Cared for, then honoured, the broken object can paradoxically become more resistant, more beautiful and more precious. This photographic series expresses the resilience, the reconstruction, the strength of women victims of sexual violence. Rape, incest, harassment, excision, domestic violence, all the women photographed have these cracks that they try to repair one day after another, each in their own way.



Laetitia Lesaffre : Kintsugi, reflets de femmes : Réparer. Reconstruire. Réinventer.
from March 8 to 28, 2023
Galerie de la Sainte Chapelle
Cour d’Appel de Paris. Boulevard du Palais. Paris 1.
After the visitors’ entrance (ste Chapelle), turn right into the courtyard, staircase G, first floor.
The exhibition is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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