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Galerie de Bellefeuille : Barbara Cole : Somewhere


La Galerie de Bellefeuille in Montreal presents Barbara Cole‘s newest series, Somewhere, a collection that merges the worlds of the underwater and the above water experience, tracing historical eras and the multiplicity of human emotions.

Somewhere is ultimately about the joy of play, transcending time and perception. It merges the worlds of the underwater and the above water experience, tracing historical eras and the multiplicity of human emotions. It is an exploration of the spaces that ignite our imaginations, where friendships flourish and individuals find their own unique expression. Within the luxurious surroundings and the rich tapestry of the imagination, a beautiful alchemy emerges: a harmonious blending of elements that sparks the creation of something truly extraordinary.

In this series, Cole continues her exploration into the transformative nature of the figure within dreamlike scenes, where women float across spaces adorned with heavy chandeliers, wide marble steps, gilded mirrors, and centuries-old master portraits. There is an otherworldliness that cloaks these scenes, enticing viewers to embrace a sense of wonder and enter a realm that exists between the real and the imagined.


Barbara Cole is a fine art photographer working in several photographic mediums, including underwater photography and modernized wet collodion. She was born in Toronto, Canada, in 1953. Her work is noted for its ethereal imagery depicting figures in various states of weightlessness, transformation, and self-actualization. As an innovator in her field, Cole’s use of traditional and inventive techniques are part of her ongoing search for timelessness. She has held numerous exhibitions across North America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Her work has also been extensively commissioned internationally for corporate collections. She has exhibited in the Canadian Embassy in both Tokyo and Washington D.C. The acclaimed documentary series Snapshot: The Art of Photography II, features an episode devoted exclusively to Cole’s photographic practice. She recently released her new book, Between Worlds, published by teNeues publishing house.

Instagram: @barbaracoleart


Barbabra Cole : Somewhere
October 4 – 24, 2023
artist talk and book signing on October 7, 2023.
Galerie de Bellefeuille
1455 Sherbrooke St W, Montreal, Quebec H3G 2S8, Canada

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