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Galerie Catherine et André Hug : Carl Corey : Between Dog and Wolf


Timeless, colorful, the images of America taken by photographer Carl Corey are among those that fascinate Europeans. Revealed by the Galerie Catherine and André Hug, this author traveled the Midwestern region of the United States during twenty years and brought together a rich and precious iconography, emblematic of the American visual imagination.

The exhibition Entre chien et loup presents a new series with several photos taken from his latest opus, The Strand, completed in 2022 and produced in the Great Lakes region.

In the falling light of twilight, these images show gas stations, diners, stationary cars and deserted streets, all composed from a radiating light center, leaving the edges fading into darkness. . The human presence there is a furtive appearance. They are reminiscent of Eggleston, Stephen Shore or even the painting of Edward Hopper. In his photos, no visual excitement, but soft lights serving broad and cinematic framing, a thriller atmosphere, recounting the adventure of a sentimental traveler keen to record a changing America.


Carl Corey : Entre chien et loup
November 2 – December 17, 2023
Galerie Catherine et André Hug
40, rue de seine / 2, rue de l’Echaudé
75.006 Paris
tel +33143269375

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