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Galerie Baudoin Lebon –Synchronicity


Galerie Baudoin Lebon presents Synchronicity, an exhibition of photographers and video-makers from the African continent and its diaspora, active in Africa and on the international artistic scene but little known or never previously shown in Paris. The exhibition Synchronicity, inspired by the eponymous album by the Police (1983), sets out to show a dynamic vision of African photography. The artists are active in South Africa, Ghana, Cameroon, Algeria, Angola, Benin, Zimbabwe and also in France, the United Kingdom and the United States…

The artists and their subjects are in motion, synchronous with contemporary creativity in a globalised world. These artists study subjects from the urban sub-culture (Musa Nxumalo, Abraham Oghobase, N’Krumah Lawson Daku, Malala Andrialavidrazana, François-Xavier Gbré, Steeve Bauras), to an architectural memory (Amina Menia, François-Xavier Gbré, Steeve Bauras). Fiction is on the agenda through the work of Calvin Dondo (“Doors” series), Em’Kal (“Rios dos Camaroes” series) and Kiluanji Kia Henda in his series Icarus 13. Galerie Baudoin Lebon also presents an artist not previously known in France through the photographs and archives of James Barnor, a Ghanaian photographer who at the age of 82 is a great historical figure in both black and white and colour photography.

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