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Galerie Adrian Bondy : Colette Pourroy : States of the Soul


The Galerie Adrian Bondy presents an exhibition by Colette Pourroy entitled States of the Soul. The photographer introduces it thus.

After all the deaths, all the cherished ones whose stories I told in my family saga, came the desire to evoke the soul and its relationship with the body.

Between the collective conscience and unconscious, the symbolism, all that speaks of the unseen, the infinite, the subtle, writing the unclear makes way for the imaginary.

This living, moving photography shatters the divine: the intervals, gaps, punctuation, the invisible.

It is like automatic writing; what comes forth is unexpected, beyond my will, mysterious, yet fervently sought.

Drawing with light, painting with chiaroscuro and without artifice, only the spiritual binds these glimmering threads together.


Colette Pourroy (septembre 2023)
Traduction : Paul H. Rogers


Colette Pourroy : États d’âme
Until December 10, 2023
Galerie Adrian Bondy
221 rue Saint-Jacques
75005 Paris

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