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Gabriele Galimberti –Toy Stories


Gabriele Galimberti has already explored the world of CouchSurfing and cuisine. With his latest series, Toy Stories, Galimberti immerses viewers into childhood. During an 18-month tour around the world, he took portraits of children playing with their toys. The world of childhood is often linked to the imagination, which is projected onto objects. The series serves as a loving tribute to toys. But it’s more than a simple return to childhood. While shooting the series, Galimberti says that he learned more about the parents than the children themselves. Indeed, it’s easy to imagine a child being intimidated by a stranger entering into his playing area. Where a child grows up influences the kinds of toys he has. For example, the parent’s profession is important, because children tend to imitate what they see, including in their reactions to the photographer. Some parents push their children to sit for the camera, while others give them freedom. Galimberti notes how, despite the advent of electronics, some toys are timeless. Dragons, trucks, teddy bears and other dolls have nothing to worry about.

Juliette Deschodt

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